Remote Lab Tour with Dr. Peyman Pourafshar
Associate Professor of Mining and Geosciences, Peyman Pourafshary, and his team of PhD students, Mariam Shakeel and Rizwan Muneer, talk about their research. Their research area is Petroleum Engineering. Lab name “Rock and Fluid Properties”.
Working on this project since 2019, they have managed to get the cheaper way of oil production with 80% of oil recovery. For this, they plunged into the study of the properties of rock and liquid to obtain the rock sample saturated with crude oil and mimic a reservoir with harsh conditions inside. In this video, you will learn what method of oil production they managed to implement in a laboratory, get acquainted with the used equipment and their research results.
How to get into Master’s and PhD programs of NU?
The video will answer the most popular question among candidates “How to get into Master’s and PhD programs of NU?”. Check it out!