
International student about NU SMG

2022-05-24 15:45 News_EN
Mariam Shakeel, 1st year PhD student spoke to the Study International portal about her experience at Nazarbayev University. In 2019, Mariam Shakeel was admitted to MSc in Petroleum Engineering at the Nazarbayev University School of Mining and Geosciences. Having completed MSc in Petroleum Engineering with distinction Mariam Shakeel decided to continue her study at NU SMG and applied for a PhD program in 2021. Currently, she is an active PhD student and working as a Research Assistant in the Petroleum Engineering Department at NU SMG.

To know more about what sparked Mariam’s interest in Petroleum Engineering, why she chooses to pursue a PhD at NU, and how she describes her experience at NU SMG, read the article on Study International.