
SMG students presented their research outputs at APCOM 2021 conference

2021-09-06 16:38 News_EN
We are happy to announce that Mr. Ilyas Ongarbayev and Mr. Sultan Abulkhair virtually attended the APCOM 2021 conference, which was held from 30th August to September 1st in Johannesburg, South Africa. Applications for Computers and Operations Research in the Minerals Industries (APCOM) is a series of well-established, high-quality scientific conferences in Mining Engineering, which was started in the early 1960’s. In this conference, the SMG students presented results from their thesis research under the supervision of Dr. Nasser Madani, faculty member of the School of Mining and Geosciences. Ilyas is a 2nd year master student of Mining Engineering, and Sultan is a master graduate from the class of 2021 in Mining Engineering. Both have been developing geostatistical algorithms for better mineral resource modelling. Their conference papers were subjected to peer-review, and the full-length articles have been published in the conference proceedings:

  1. Organbayev, I., Madani, N. (2021). “Implicit modelling of geological domains by support vector machine: Tuning the parameters based on consistency of the indicator variogram”. In the proceeding of the APCOM 2021. Musingwini, C. Woodhall, M (eds.), Johannesburg, South Africa, p. 425-436.
  2. Abulkhair, S., Madani, N. (2021). “Mineral resource modeling of variables with inequality constraints: A case study of an iron ore deposit”. In the proceeding of the APCOM 2021. Musingwini, C. Woodhall, M (eds.), Johannesburg, South Africa, p. 449-458.

Congratulations to Ilyas, Sultan and the SMG family!