
NU SMG students’ paper was published in the Applied Sciences journal

MSc students of NU School of Mining and Geosciences Aizada Ganiyeva and Leila Karabayanova have published the paper under the supervision of Dr. Peyman Pourafshry and Dr. Muhammad Rehan Hasmet in the Applied Sciences journal that is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on all aspects of applied natural sciences published semimonthly online by MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute). The article “The Performance of Engineered Water Flooding to Enhance High Viscous Oil Recovery” is based on the outcomes of Aizada Ganiyeva and Leila Karabayanova MSc thesis. The research is supported by the Nazarbayev University faculty development grant, which was awarded to a research project on the design and implementation of new hybrid enhanced oil recovery methods.

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