
How to earn money as a student?

2019-03-13 17:06 News_EN
Students of Nazarbayev University School of Mining and Geosciences (the School) can earn up to 400K tenge during their studies. Graduate students of the School are developing a 3D model for the Shubarkol coal mine. The model shows the boundaries of the coal seam, by which you can display all the necessary information about the mine. In fact, this is one of the most modern methods of estimating coal reserves. ERG approached the School with an order to develop a model, since the professors and students of Nazarbayev University are working on such projects that are of practical use not only in Kazakhstan, but also abroad. The students of the School, Yerniyaz Abildin and Nurassyl Battalgazy said that the biggest advantage of studying for a Master's degree is receiving interesting projects from large companies, through which you can gain great experience, earn decent amount of money and even choose a future employer. Yerniyaz Abildin and Nurassyl Battalgazy graduated with a Bachelor's degree from Nazarbayev University and decided to continue their studies at the University, but under a different Master’s program. During their studies, students participated in international conferences and competitions in Australia, Central Asia and always have been successful in attaining various prizes. After the first year, all graduate students completed internships at Kazzinc, and each received a job offer . Now students of the School are simultaneously running several projects for ERG and other international organizations in the mining industry.

Dr. Nasser Madani, an assistant professor at Nazarbayev University School of Mining and Geosciences came to Astana from Chile as he sees great potential in the mining industry of Kazakhstan. Dr. Madani says that many companies come to Nazarbayev University with orders, but, unfortunately, the school cannot undertake all the projects as to not overload the professors and students. Anyone who plans to build a career in the mining industry, to obtain fundamental knowledge as well as a practical experience, Dr. Madani advises to enroll in undergraduate and graduate programs of the School of Mining and Geosciences at Nazarbayev University.

Studies are conducted by foreign academic faculty members in English. If you successfully pass the entrance exams, you can receive scholarship that comes with other priviliges that the School offers.

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