
NU SMG Professor to visit Luleå University of Technology as a visiting scholar

2022-05-30 15:43 News_EN
Professor David Saiang under the Resources for Sustainability Transitions (SUN) initiative had invited Dr. Fidelis Suorineni to the Lulea University of Technology as a visiting scholar during May – June 2022. Luleå University of Technology's initiative SUN, Natural resources for sustainability transitions, focuses on the assets in the form of ore, forests and water, which are of central importance for realizing the social transformation needed to achieve the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs)s.

During the visit Dr. Fidelis Suorineni will be mentoring PhD students, holding workshops for graduate students and industry participants, and visiting LKAB and Boliden mines. Last week the first workshop was held under the theme “Geology to Mine Design Considerations”. Dr. Fidelis Suorineni spoke on “Stope Design with Emphasis on the Stability Graph”. Over 30 guests including graduate students and industry personnel participated in the workshop.